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Tieng Jiw Wan. Cervical Nurture, Period Cramps. 500 pills in a package. 

Useful in the presence of various female diseases. 

This tool is especially effective during the climacterium period, in the case ofmenstrual cycle violations, excessive sweating, irritability, menstrual cramps, insomnia, fatigue, vaginal secretions.

The medicine increases the tone of genital organs after childbirth, cures a variety of inflammations of female genital organs (ovaritis).  Indispensable during treatment of women with chronic infertility. Prescribed during treatment of chronic mastopathy and precancerous conditions (leukoplaxia, cyst, andamios).


Important Ingredient: Kaempferia Parviflora 10g, Panax Ginseng 20g, Ganoderma Lucidum 20g, Collocalia Esculenta 60g and the other herbs.

Consumption: 2 capsules 2-3 times a day before meals followed by a drink of warm boiled water. Do not take during menstruation or pregnancy!

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